Iceland Outfitters er viðurkenndur söluaðili Salmologic á Íslandi

Vefverslun Iceland Outfitters

14’3″ tvíhenda, 35 gr.

129.800 ISK

Skyborn, 14,3 fet, algjör vinnuhestur. Sú kraftmesta í skyborn seríunni.

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Skyborn, 14,3 fet.  35 gr.


14.3 feta tvíhenda, 35 gr. svipar til línu 10-11. Alveg mögnuð power stöng og er sú kraftmesta í Skyborn seríuni. Þessi hentar gríðalega vel fyrir stærri laxveiðiár og er algjör vinnu hestur. Það kemur verulega á óvart hversu net og lipur hún er. Þetta er stöngin fyrir þá sem þurfa að kasta extra mile

  • 14,3 fet
  • 35 gr. 
  • kemur samsett úr 5 hlutum 

Stöngin virkar best með: 

  • Öllum 35 gramma logic línum.


Any time you need more power to present slightly bigger flies to large salmon, sea trout or steelheads in large sized rivers, this is the rod to use. The action in this rod is designed to give you an almost “sixth sense” feel of the line and a more instinctive understanding of when to apply just enough power to present the fly in the exact spot you’re aiming for. You can fish for days on end without losing the necessary focus you need in order to catch fish, even if you are fishing what we would call a “big rod”. Line recommendation: All Logic heads – 35 grams/540 grains Logic RL. 0.034

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